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Maria Arslanoglou was born in Thessaloniki in 1999 and is a graduate of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science in Thessaloniki, specializing in Tae Kwon Do, where she has repeatedly excelled both in Greece and abroad as a member of the national women’s and junior teams.

She holds Pilates Mat Work & Props Diploma 200 and Pilates Equipment Diploma 200 certifications, as well as the Group Functional Specialist certificate from StudiOne. Additionally, she has attended seminars in Pre & Post Natal Pilates for pregnant women and new mothers, as well as rehabilitation (rehab) seminars for individuals with musculoskeletal issues or those recovering from injuries.

She is active in the fitness field as a certified Pilates and Group Instructor, aiming to improve the quality of life of her clients through exercise. Her focus is on increasing the flexibility of the spine and joints, improving posture, preventing injuries, and strengthening the entire body


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