You can choose between “Moov it” and “Cirquit Moov”. The “Moov it” program is a combination of 30 minutes of aerobic and 30 minutes of anaerobic exercise. The “Cirquit Moov” program is 60 minutes of circuit training at stations. Aerobic training takes place in the corridors, bicycles and the rowing machine, while strength training includes using the body weight or using micro equipment such as Keiser,Trx, Rubber, Bosu, Fit ball, Medicine ball, Sandbags, Terracore, Aerosling, Kettlebells, Dumbbells and others.
Some of the benefits of this training are:
• Muscle strength and endurance
• Increase in basic metabolism
• Increase in bone density
• Better balance and posture
• Protection of the joints and prevention of injuries.